Plan and Prepare
It is critical that everyone is prepared for an emergency. Remember, sometimes emergencies are so immense that responders cannot immediately assist you or your family. It is your responsibility to prepare yourself by:
Creating a family emergency communications plan can assist you when a disaster strikes. Consider using contacts that are out of the area to coordinate family members who are not able to call directly to one another.
Creating a 72-hour emergency kit will be useful if you are impacted or indirectly impacted by an emergency. Consider special circumstances fro your family such as prescription medications, eye glasses, formula, diapers, and other speical needs you or family members may have. Remember to switch out your kit for the season!
Stay informed about hazards that may impact you and your family. Knowing your hazards will assist you in creating a 72-hour emergency kit that is based on your needs.
Getting involved in your community's emergency volunteer efforts. This can include a CERT Team, MRC unit, or a faith-based program.
You can also attend local community planning processes such as the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC).
Start a preparedness project or find events in the area.
Support major disasters by donating cash or time to meet the needs of the community.